The magical effect of the active ingredients in tea extract

May 16 2021

Tea extract contains a variety of effective ingredients, but many people do not understand the specific effects of these effective ingredients. Let me introduce the role of these active ingredients.

tea extract

1. Whitening effect of tea extract:

Studies have shown that tea extract contains a variety of active ingredients, which have a certain inhibitory effect on the morphology of melanoma cells, cell proliferation rate, intracellular tyrosinase activity and melanin production. In addition, studies have shown that the flavonoids in tea have metal chelating ability, while tea polyphenols contain a variety of antioxidants, which have the ability to scavenge free radicals. Antioxidants and chelated metal ions work together to play a whitening effect.

2. Anti-aging effects of tea extract:

Studies have shown that tea polyphenols in tea can reduce the content of malondialdehyde, the final product of lipid oxidation in tissues. And improve activities. Elimination of methylglyoxal inhibits the formation of advanced glycation end products. The tea polysaccharides in tea can directly scavenge free radicals in cells, reduce cell oxidative damage, and protect cells from aging.

3. Antibacterial effect of tea extract:

Studies have shown that the tea polyphenols in tea have antibacterial effects. The volatile oil in tea can change the permeability of bacterial cell walls and cell membranes, and has a certain inhibitory effect on bacterial DNA synthesis, thereby inhibiting bacteria.