• Naringin
Naringin is a major flavanone glycoside in grapefruit or pomelo. It’s a white or yellowish powder with a strong bitter taste. As natural pigment, modifier and bitterness agents,  naringin is widely applied in food and beverage production, also used as raw materials.


1. Functional bittering agent 
Naringin has functions of anti-inflammatory, anti-virus, anti-cancer,anti-mutation, anti-allergic, anti-ulcer, analgesia, reducing blood pressure activity,depressing serum cholesterol and the formation of thrombus.

2. Food flavor 
Naringin can be widely used in beverage, dietary supplements, and gum.

Application Tips

FEMA (mg/kg): soft drinks 70-80, cold drinks 5-10,alcoholic drinks 0.1-0.5.