• Rutin | hesperidin rutin

Rutin is a plant pigment (flavonoid) that is found in certain fruits and vegetables. Rutin is used to make medicine. The major sources of rutin for medical use include buckwheat, Japanese pagoda tree, and Eucalyptus macrorhyncha. Other sources of rutin include the leaves of several species of eucalyptus, lime tree flowers, elder flowers, hawthorn leaves and flowers, rue, St. John's Wort, Ginkgo biloba, apples, and other fruits and vegetables.

Some people believe that rutin can strengthen blood vessels, so they use it for varicose veins, internal bleeding, hemorrhoids, and to prevent strokes due to broken veins or arteries (hemorrhagic strokes). Rutin is also used to prevent a side effect of cance treatment called mucositis. This is a painful condition marked by swelling and ulcer formation in the mouth or lining of the digestive tract.In combination with the proteins trypsin and bromelain, rutin is also used for osteoarthritis.

Product name: Rutin
Appearance:yellow to greenish-yellow powder
Latin Name:Sophorae Japonica
Particle size: ≥ 95% pass through 60 mesh
Assay: 95%
CAS: 153-18-4
Test Method: UV

1. Rutin is a phenolic antioxidant and has been demonstrated to scavenge superoxide radicals.
2. Rutin can promotes circulation, stimulate bile production, help to lower blood cholesterol,and prevent cataracts.
3. Rutin may modulate the respiratory burst of neutrophils.
4. Rutin can chelate metal ions, such as ferrous cations. Ferrous cations are involved in the so-called Fenton reaction, which generates reactive oxygen species.
5. Rutin is a bioflavonoid. It can enhance the absorption of Vitamin C; help to relieve pain, bumps and bruises and has an antibacterial effect.


Assay 95% Rutin CAS 153-18-4,hesperidin rutin you can browse related products and initiate consultations on our website.